Chairman’s Corner

musings by our board chair Gerry Nelms

continued from the home page

I want to apologize to the community, as it has been a while since I have had a chance to put together another Chairman’s Corner.  As I sit here, I begin to think of what an important part FCN has become in my life.  Being a part of FCN has allowed me to grow as a person who did not really know himself until 3 years ago.  I have made friends that allow me to talk to, learn from and then share that knowledge with others.   This begins to make me think, “What does it mean to me when I say that I am a part of First City Network.”    According to Google, one of the definitions of network is interacting  with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.  Each and every time that we get together for one of our socials, we have an opportunity to share a little bit of ourselves with those we meet.

In the short period of time that I have been Chairperson, I have noticed that our members are looking for someone to hang out with, grab dinner, someone to talk to, someone to travel with, go see a movie or a museum.  When we begin talking to someone that we don’t know, it takes us out of our comfort zone.  I want to challenge members of FCN and any one that has been to any of our get togethers, the next time that we have a social, be ready to find someone who has a similar interest as you.  I will begin this conversation by saying that I enjoy cooking, going out to dinner with friends, watching movies with friends, going camping, traveling, playing Cards Against Humanity, and just being at home being quiet too.

In the very near future, I will be posting a questionnaire that will allow each of us to find a way to connect with other members of FCN that have a similar interest.